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File List | 1994-01-22 | 40.3 KB | 517 lines |
- ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ 8 - Database Programs and Utilities │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- AC931.ZIP 173181 11-17-93 Address Controller v9.31: Address/phone
- | list manager; prints mailing/shipping
- | labels, envelopes, index/rolodex cards &
- | 4 different directory books; browse/
- | search modes; convert address files to/
- | from DBASE III. Artificial Intelligent
- | Driving Randomly plots out a driving
- | story.
- ART560.ZIP 321112 01-15-94 Organize Your Art Collection v5.58: A
- | Specialized Database For Cataloging Art
- | Collections; Great For Insurance Purpose
- | & For Tracking Value. Up To 10,000,000
- | Entries; Alphabetize, Search & Cross
- | Reference.
- AUTOMDR1.ZIP 55885 05-23-93 Auto-Minder: An Automobile Preventative
- | Maintenance Tool. Keeps Track Of 17
- | Different Vehicle Parts (Spark Plugs,
- | Air Filters, Oil Changes,.Etc).
- | Calculates Mileage Intervals And Adds
- | Up The Cost Of Overdue Maintenance.
- AVLIB.ZIP 115966 09-01-93 Brand new Audio and Video Database.
- | Keep information about your computer,
- | music and video collections. Simple
- | reports can show you in a flash any
- | duplicate songs or movies. Print music
- | list for a friend to show off your
- | collection.
- BBPV3.ZIP 120094 08-23-93 Black Book Plus v3.0: Name/address
- | rotary database.
- BENCH80A.ZIP 808011 10-20-93 PC Magazine Labs Benchmark Seriesv8.00:
- | objected oriented, menu-driven Package
- | of modular system performance tests;
- | automatically determines display adapter
- | supporting modes thru VGA; mouse
- | support, drop down menus, Windows &
- | graphs; integrated dBase-compatible
- | database engine can track tests/test
- | results in DBF or ASCII format & much
- | more.
- BENCH80B.ZIP 655289 10-20-93 PC Magazine Labs Benchmark Series
- | v8.00: objected oriented, menu-driven
- | pkg of modular system performance tests;
- | automatically determines display adapter
- | supporting modes thru VGA; mouse
- | support, drop down menus, Windows &
- | graphs; integrated dBase-compatible
- | database engine can track tests/test
- | results in DBF or ASCII format & much
- | more.
- BEVSY105.ZIP 289057 09-05-93 BEAVSYS v1.05: A Scouts Canada-specific
- | database program to maintain all Beaver
- | & Leader data for a Beaver Colony.
- | Includes attendance, emergency data,
- | Health problem data, phone lists,
- | financial records, etc. Entry by Lodge
- | or Colony. Works with CUBSYS and
- | GROUPSYS to speed registration.
- BF20.ZIP 134086 08-22-93 BiblioFile v2.0: Database for Books.
- | Personal Library Management System for
- | professional, personal, or company
- | libraries. With configurable reports and
- | detailed information tracking, this is
- | the powerful yet easy way to track your
- | collection.
- BLTC17.ZIP 156457 08-31-93 Bullet v1.07: Btree/DBF database
- | manager. Improved Borland support & all
- | DOS C.
- BOWL1010.ZIP 238670 10-13-93 BOWL101O v12.2: A User friendly Bowling
- | League managment program. Configurable
- | to most scoring systems. Easy data
- | entry, a minute a team and the computer
- | does the rest. 1-4 games, Team
- | handicap, individual handicap Difference
- | between team averages & more. Works with
- | any IBM comptible.
- CARDS103.ZIP 252319 07-07-93 Organize Your Sports Cards v1.02lite:
- | Specialized database for cataloging all
- | types of sports cards including
- | baseball cards, football cards,
- | basketball cards & others.
- | Menu-operated with 3-D pulldown menus.
- | Handles up to 10,000,000 entries.
- CBFD96.ZIP 70841 11-27-93 The Comic Book Fanatics Database V9.6:
- | Keeps A Complete Record Of Your Comic
- | Books. Features: Add, Delete, Update,
- | Search, Shell, Print, Statistics, View,
- | Online Help, Total Values, Text File
- | Lists, Auto Backup, Screen Saver, Comic
- | Trivia And More!
- CC102.ZIP 147240 07-01-93 Sights and Sounds v1.01: A program for
- | tracking a music or video collection.
- | This program has all the information you
- | would need for keeping up with your
- | records, audio tapes or CD's as well as
- | you video tapes. Never have to wonder
- | where a particular selection is located
- | if you use this program. Has a music
- | dictionary.
- CHART12.ZIP 50330 09-01-93 CHARTFINDER: Quickly identify the proper
- | nautical chart from a chart inventory.
- | Find feature allows entry of lat/long of
- | the geographic area, and names of charts
- | covering selected area are displayed.
- | Print a logically sorted list of charts.
- | Just enter a few chart parameters to set
- | up a database, CHARTFINDER does the
- | rest.
- CLASS560.ZIP 319649 01-15-94 Organize Your Classical Music v5.60: A
- | specialized database designed
- | specifically for cataloging classical
- | CDs, tapes, and LPs. Completely menu
- | operated with 3-D pull down menus.
- | Handles up to 10,000,000 entries and can
- | alphabetize, search & cross reference
- | any of the information you've entered
- | about your collection.
- COINS560.ZIP 314088 01-15-94 Organize Your Coin Collection v5.59: A
- | specialized database for cataloging coin
- | collections; Using up to 21 fields you
- | can catalog collection in great detail.
- | Great for insurance purposes & tracking
- | the value of a collection. Completely
- | menu operated with 3-D pull down menus;
- | Handles up to 10,000,000 entries;
- | Alphabetize, Search & Cross Reference.
- COMBAT20.ZIP 83405 06-19-93 The Complete Martial Arts Database! A
- | concise summary of the arts: karate,
- | ninjutsu, judo, aikido plus many more.
- | Explains actual techniques as well as
- | strategy and positioning.
- CONVR310.ZIP 113277 09-25-93 Converts Data Formats: dBase, ASCII,
- | Fixed.
- DATADB.ZIP 205734 06-01-93 This program is a very useful Phone
- | book manager.
- DAYFLO31.ZIP 520932 08-12-93 DayFlo TRACKER Lite v3.1a. PIM boasts
- | variable length text fields & user
- | defined Forms & Reports. Excels at
- | Contacts, Textual data, Article
- | Abstracts, Projects, Library Topics,
- | Quotations, Research Notes & more. Many
- | key features in this extremely flexible
- | Personal Information Manager.
- DBFSTUF.ZIP 16925 06-12-93 Colorful Display Of dBase III DBF
- | Structure.
- DMSTR31.ZIP 396650 08-24-93 Data Master v3.1: Database manager that
- | can create, modify, sort, report, and
- | query dbase files; convert 1-2-3 files
- | to dbase and vice versa; report writer;
- | form letter, mailmerge, mailing label
- | utility; find duplicates; search &
- | replace; sum/average numeric data and
- | more.
- D_DBASE.ZIP 44421 03-16-93 Great database to keep your D&D PC's
- | organized.
- ERR_15.ZIP 9398 06-21-93 DBase IV .DBF; two fields, listing
- | errors and matching codes.
- FBASE30.ZIP 122810 08-04-93 FishBase v3.0: Fishing database &
- | logbook. Generates lots of statistics
- | about the fish you enter. Powerful
- | searching & sorting. Fast easy form
- | oriented data entry. On-screen help.
- | FishBase can improve your fishing and
- | make you more competitive! Comes with
- | extensive documentation and a sample
- | data base. Req: 256k, Color or Mono.
- FONEF15A.ZIP 75109 07-28-93 Fonefile v1.5a: Complete Name & Address
- | Database with Optional TSR Mode Allows
- | It To Be Popped-Up At Any Time.
- GED2FLAT.ZIP 55431 11-01-93 Ged2flat writes a GEDCOM (GEnealogy
- | Data COMmunications) file to a flat file
- | called "FLAT.OUT".
- GUNS560.ZIP 312781 01-15-94 Organize Your Gun Collection v5.6: A
- | specialized database for cataloging gun
- | collections using up to 21 different
- | criteria. It is easy-to-use & completely
- | menu operated, featuring 3-D pull-down
- | menus. Handles up to 10,000,000 entries.
- HHVIDE07.ZIP 224954 11-20-93 Video system. v7.07 update. Easy-to-use
- | home video tracking system. Has nice
- | views & appeal for all users.
- INSURANC.ZIP 162073 07-16-93 Home Insurance Database v4.0.
- JAZZ533.ZIP 288168 01-15-94 Organize Your Records, Tapes & CDs
- | v5.27: A specialized database for
- | cataloging jazz CDs, tapes, LPs & music
- | videos; Completely menu operated with
- | 3-D pull-down menus. Handles up to
- | 10,000,000 entries and can alphabetize,
- | search & cross reference.
- JSDDUPER.ZIP 34037 09-04-93 JSDDuper v3.0: Reads a data file and
- | make a new file without any duplicate
- | records in it.
- LBLMST51.ZIP 356674 05-31-93 Label Master v5.1c is a very powerful,
- | yet easy to use mail list manager. You
- | can create a file of names and
- | addresses, edit the file, search for
- | specific records or browse through the
- | file, and print labels in any of several
- | formats. You can also use it to dial any
- | telephone number in any record in its
- | file.
- LE103.ZIP 191824 07-16-93 Loose Ends v1.03: A personal information
- | manager. This program maintains personal
- | info for companies, names, insurance,
- | notes, medical records, credit
- | cards,inventory automobile records and
- | reminders. If you have trouble keeping
- | up with any of this information, Loose
- | Ends is for you.
- LITLIST.ZIP 168336 07-02-93 Little Lists v1.0: Simple database
- | program.
- LM51C.ZIP 382518 06-21-93 Label Master v5.1c: PC Magazine Editors
- | Choice Mailing List Program. Maintains
- | Unlimited Number of Names & Addresses.
- | Prints Labels of Any Size. Bar Codes.
- | Dot Matrix & Laserjet. Form Letter
- | Utility. Report Writer. ZIP-Plus-4
- | Conv. Duplicate Checking. Search And
- | Replace on Any Field. Automatic Phone
- | Dialing.
- MADEMO1.ZIP 420617 07-04-93 MAESTRO PRO v1.0: Music cataloging
- | program on the market.The program keeps
- | track of albums,songs, who played what,
- | and prints cassette liners (J-cards).
- | Full documentation included.
- MAKECSV.ZIP 3503 03-25-93 Tse: The Semware Editor Macro. A Tse
- | Macro That Convert A Datafile With
- | Positionally Oriented Records To A Comma
- | Separated Value (.CSV) File.
- MEM560.ZIP 318335 01-15-94 Organize Your Memorabilia v5.60:
- | Easy-To-Use.
- MLMGR300.ZIP 149363 12-05-93 MAIL MANAGER v3.0: Storage/Retrieval
- | System for names, addresses, phone
- | numbers. Includes expanded fields, a
- | place for comments on each record, pull-
- | down menus, & mouse support. Compatible
- | with MS or PC DOS, database size limited
- | only by drive space, CGA/EGA/VGA.
- MLRRM25.ZIP 138134 08-01-93 My Little Realm's Read More v2.5: Track
- | Books Read.
- MULCO311.ZIP 72537 10-28-93 Multi-column text with headers,
- | supports dBase.
- MUSIC560.ZIP 316358 01-15-94 ORGANIZE! Your CDs, Albums & Tapes v5.6
- | Software for cataloging music
- | collections Designed specifically for
- | cataloging CDs records, tapes, and video
- | disks, the OYC software makes keeping
- | track of what you have easy. Rated as
- | THE BEST music cataloging software by
- | numerous magazines. If you want the
- | best, give this one a try.
- MVL38.ZIP 289205 08-23-93 Ideal Tool For Audiophiles And Video
- | Collectors. Organize Music And Video
- | Collection Hi-Fi And Video Equipment.
- | Has Section To Record Information About
- | Radio Stations. Fully Customizable
- | Including Screen Colors And User Defined
- | Report Writer And More.
- NMEDB400.ZIP 5464 08-30-93 Names Database v4.00 Most Bugs
- | Corrected in this version.
- OLDMUSTG.ZIP 193468 07-01-93 Database file for Mustang hobbyists
- | Contains over 130 Mustang parts and
- | vendors. Good PCX file included with
- | program.
- OYB565.ZIP 347081 07-06-93 Organize! Your Business v5.65: A
- | specialized database designed
- | specifically for cataloging business
- | related information such as: employee
- | records; sales planning; vendor catalog;
- | office inventory; client list;
- | government regulations and more. Fully
- | menu operated. Printed reports.
- OYI565.ZIP 344235 07-06-93 Organize! Your Business, Industrial
- | v5.65 A specialized database designed
- | specifically for cataloging business
- | related information such as: tool
- | inventory, motor inventory; spare parts;
- | vehicles; maintenance records; bill of
- | material; drawings and more. Fully menu
- | operated. Printed reports.
- PHOTEQD4.ZIP 312369 05-23-93 Photography Equipment Database v4.0:
- | Keeps track of all your photo
- | equipment, vendors and money spent. It
- | also prints reports.
- PHOTO560.ZIP 320889 07-13-93 Organize Your Photographs v5.60:
- | Specialized Database For Cataloging
- | Photographs, Slides & Negatives. Perfect
- | For Both The Amateur And Professional
- | Photographer.
- PL311.ZIP 134902 06-01-93 Professional Librarian v3.11: Software
- | package which allows you toorganize
- | large collections of literature
- | citations with ease. This program allows
- | you to create, search, edit, sort,
- | print records consisting of author,
- | date, title citation, subject keyword,
- | etc.
- PLANT560.ZIP 310590 07-13-93 Organize Your Plants/Garden v5.60: A
- | specialized database for cataloging
- | plants. It allows you to keep track of
- | where each plant is located, its
- | characteristics, required care, and any
- | problems and their solutions. Fully menu
- | operated and easy-to-use.
- PLAYER10.ZIP 190011 08-05-93 PLAYER v1.0: Excellent program to
- | calculate and track all sports wagers.
- | Support for NFL, NBA, college football/
- | basketball, baseball and hockey. Can
- | calculate parlays, keyed plays, overs,
- | unders, Round Robins as well as straight
- | plays. Supports point spread and money
- | lines. Online help. More. Requires: DOS
- | 3.0, EGA or VGA color, 200KB, 2 MB hard
- | disk space and one floppy drive.
- POP4042.ZIP 223510 03-16-93 Electronic Bible of Top 40 Hits. New,
- | slick design and menus. Relational
- | searches as well as layouts of only the
- | data you want to report.
- PROG_20.ZIP 335709 08-29-93 PROGRAM v2.0! The incredible program to
- | catalog your software New options & many
- | features!
- PST12.ZIP 35894 08-09-93 PST v1.2: takes as input either a
- | GEDCOM data base file (".GED") or a
- | ROOTS III data base file (".EDB") and
- | creates a Pedigree/Surname/Timeline
- | chart for printing.
- QF22S.ZIP 95114 05-13-93 QUIET FLIGHT v2.2: Advanced Macros for
- | TSE. This is the much anticipated
- | release of the Quiet Flight macros for
- | The SemWare Editor. Primarily tailored
- | for xBASE programmers but useful to
- | others.
- RAD215.ZIP 102436 10-28-93 RAD Plus-dBASE compatible database
- | online system.
- RAIL560.ZIP 316074 07-13-93 Organize! Your Model Railroad v5.6: A
- | specialized database for equipment,
- | structures scenery, etc. Used with model
- | railroads. Full menu-operated with 3-D
- | pull down menus. Handles up to
- | 10,000,000 entries and can alphabetize,
- | search & cross reference.
- RATS310.ZIP 149183 04-09-93 RATS v3.10: A powerful database for
- | keeping track of all recorded media:
- | Records, Tapes, CDs and Videos. Each
- | entry includes brief and extended
- | description capabilities, and lots more.
- | Integrated reporting system.
- REPORD.ZIP 27312 06-17-93 Q&A v4.0: File design for automotive
- | repair shop invoicing and customer
- | database. Includes customer and car
- | information, parts/labor lists, tax
- | totals - ready to print. DTF files.
- RESRCH64.ZIP 126454 08-13-93 Research v6.4: Research Database Tool!
- ROLODEX.ZIP 148515 12-03-93 An excellent Rolodex written in Clarion.
- S3CARD10.ZIP 231926 10-31-93 S3 Simple Card v1.0: Trading card
- | database program designed for use with
- | floppy drive systems. It will work on
- | two 360K drives (or bigger). GUI
- | interface, Mouse support & EMS support.
- S3DSIZE.ZIP 86075 08-31-93 S3 Delimited Field Size v2.2:
- | Identifies the number of records in a
- | file, the maximum and minimum number of
- | field in the records encountered, and
- | the max and min size of each field that
- | is encountered.
- SCANNER1.ZIP 227195 06-09-93 Great Canadian Radio Frequency Database
- | Program Written In Foxbase. Very Fast!
- | Has Some Canadian VHF/UHF Frequencies
- | Already In Database But You Can Add Your
- | Own! Nice Work!
- SEWNG560.ZIP 298952 07-13-93 Organize Your Fabrics v5.60: A
- | specialized cataloging system for
- | fabrics & notions. Completely menu
- | Operated with 3-D pull down menus.
- | Allows you to keep track of what you
- | have; how you intended to use each
- | fabric; fabric color, description, &
- | weight and yardage you have available.
- | 10,000,000 entry capacity.
- SIGHT_SD.ZIP 97624 04-28-93 SIGHT & SOUND: New program that
- | catalogues Movies, Television events,
- | Home Video, and Music, in 229
- | categories.
- SMD370.ZIP 583028 08-07-93 Investor Alliance Database Program v3.7.
- SNG201.ZIP 116542 07-22-93 Songanizer v2.01: Song organizer that
- | lets you find out what songs are on a
- | particular LP, the albums an artist has
- | released; search facilities; generate
- | song/album reports; full mouse support;
- | hotkeys; history fields report to
- | screen/file/printer; point'n click menu
- | bars, buttons and overlapping Windows;
- | uses Paradox compatible databases.
- SP120.ZIP 176190 01-15-94 Smartphone is a reference source that
- | can save you time and money if you make
- | or receive long distance phone calls, by
- | helping you plan you calls for optimum
- | use of phone rates. Includes database
- | of area codes, zip codes, cities, towns,
- | countries, time zones, population.
- SP120B.ZIP 241069 07-02-93 SmartPhone v1.20: A database that can
- | save you time & money if you make or
- | receive long distance phone calls, by
- | helping you plan your calls to use lower
- | phone rates. Includes database of area
- | codes, zip codes, cities, towns,
- | countries, time zones, population etc.
- SPELRITE.ZIP 25025 08-05-93 Access Spell-Rite is an Add-in Module
- | That You Can Use to Help With Spelling
- | of Object Names Field Names, And Control
- | Names. It Lists All Objects in Your
- | Database, Including Field Names, Control
- | Names, And Macro Group Names.
- STAMP533.ZIP 310995 12-30-93 Organize Your Stamp Collection v5.33: A
- | specialized database for cataloging
- | postage stamps. Completely menu operated
- | with 3-D pull down menus; Handles up to
- | 10,000,000 stamps and can alphabetize,
- | search & cross reference any of the info
- | you've entered about your collection.
- STAMP560.ZIP 318493 07-13-93 Organize! Your Stamp Collection v5.60: A
- | specialized database designed
- | specifically for cataloging postage
- | stamps from everywhere Completely menu
- | operated with 3-D pull down menus;
- | Handles up to 10,000,000 stamps and can
- | alphabetize, search & cross reference
- | any of the info you've entered about
- | your collection.
- STARBAS1.ZIP 440231 03-01-93 The Star Trek database.
- STATS202.ZIP 122003 08-03-93 Status v2.02: text based database for
- | job tracking, client lists, job
- | histories, and anything else you can
- | dream up.
- STOCK142.ZIP 16456 10-01-93 Convert America OnLine stock portfolio
- | data for import to financial programs,
- | including Quicken. v1.42.
- STOWIT21.ZIP 71031 08-05-93 Stowit! v2.1: Database generator that
- | allows you to design your own records
- | for storage.
- STOWIT51.ZIP 100702 10-28-93 Stowit! v5.1: database generator that
- | allows you to design your own records
- | for storage.
- STOWIT52.ZIP 104990 11-19-93 STOWIT! v5.2: DataBase Generator.
- TCAT110.ZIP 199689 01-15-94 TCAT v1.10: Tape cataloging system. For
- | use with Colorado compatible tape backup
- | systems. Supports import from and export
- | to Paradox database format. Other
- | features include description mastering,
- | FILEID.DIZ scanning, duplicate purging,
- | great user interface, and much more.
- TERM12A.ZIP 476649 12-01-93 TERMINATE v1.2: (1 of 2) The final
- | datacomm terminal! On-line help for the
- | novice with all the flexibility experts
- | need. Network and Fax support. Complete
- | point system, cost manager & CD Audio
- | Player. IEMSI & auto-logins, Superb file
- | manager: tagging, req. Translate/kbd-
- | editor. Voicecalls. Prize drawing!
- TERM12B.ZIP 399280 12-01-93 TERMINATE v1.2: (2 of 2)
- TFMAIL.ZIP 156092 06-06-93 Simple name and address database.
- TLC500.ZIP 288075 06-04-93 A Full-Featured Fleet Maintenance
- | Record System For Hundreds Of Vehicles.
- | Menu Driven Database Program.
- VBSTAMP1.ZIP 885304 04-28-93 My Stamp Collection v1.1: Many features.
- | You can Add, Delete, Edit as many stamp
- | catalogs as you want. Printer support,
- | Graphical Analysis and on-line help with
- | information on stamp collecting. Req:
- | VBRUN300.DLL/Windows.
- VIDCAT73.ZIP 283481 05-31-93 Videocat v7.3: Catalogs video tapes,
- | letting you record the title, year,
- | subject, quality rating, MPAA rating,
- | actors, director, tape number and index
- | number. A label-printing utility lets
- | you print labels for your tapes.
- WANTLIST.ZIP 43459 10-15-93 Easy-to-use database for book
- | collectors/seekers to use to list books
- | they seek. Includes output options for
- | online or Internet E-mail inquiries to
- | Zembla Books.
- WCN10.ZIP 245365 11-28-93 WINCOIN v1.0: Application for coin
- | collections. Contains all US coin
- | categories, including grading
- | information and history. Master coin
- | lists contain years and varieties.
- | Tracks and reports inventory, orders,
- | and wants. Many customization options
- | for viewing and reports. Req:
- | VBRUN300.DLL.
- WEBSTER7.ZIP 40143 11-18-93 Webster T.E.P. (Transitional Employment
- | Program) v1.7: Small, simple database
- | for storing helpful information about
- | the employee (with the handicapped in
- | mind), & about the company where he/she
- | may be placed.
- WINE560.ZIP 321474 07-13-93 Organize Your Wine v5.60: This is
- | software designed for both people who
- | just enjoy wine but who may not have a
- | collection of wines, and for serious
- | wine collectors. It is easy-to-use with
- | 3-D pull down menus and the ability to
- | alphabetize, search & cross reference
- | any of the information you've entered
- | about wine.
- WITS.ZIP 15195 09-01-93 WordPerfect Teacher & Student system
- | Uses DataPerfect (DP.EXE or DPT.EXE)
- | Database program for teachers to create
- | and track tests. Req: DataPerfect.
- WSSI529A.ZIP 176196 09-05-93 Wssindex v5.29 Cataloger: File 1 of 2.
- WSSI529B.ZIP 130479 09-05-93 Wssindex v5.29 Cataloger: File 2 of 2.
- XMAGIC.ZIP 337523 06-01-93 Floss Inventory Program for Cross
- | Stitch.